Strengthen your team with SCRAP

San Francisco Corporate Volunteer

SCRAP is a great place to bring a team to engage in meaningful, hands-on creative workshops and volunteer work that has immediate and residual impact on San Francisco Bayview community. Teams gain experience with the challenges and solutions of sustainability practices, education and community development. Past and on-going engagements include Google, Salesforce, and Stitchfix.

Check out this flyer for a list of year-long workshop and engagement ideas for your organization.

If you would like to learn more, email Danielle Grant at:


Color Meditation Sketchbook

An introduction into color meditation as a practice and how it can provide similar results to actual meditation.  Artist Lisa Solomon guides participants through a short real-time meditation and then delves into how she started a painting routine that has become a positive force in her studio as a means to learn more about color, composition and art mediums. 

Materials: Participants will receive a blank book from SCRAP to use in class and beyond.

Team Building Collage

Artist Mitsu Okubo leads a humor-filled team building collage workshop that allows participants to brainstorm and envision their goals at a personal and professional level. Okubo guides participants through the basic concepts and techniques of collage, his personal way of working, and the importance of humor in his work. Especially good for the "non-artistic.”

Materials: Found imagery & mat board provided by SCRAP

Knitting Plastic for the Environment

Take the plastic from your everyday life and make a useful object or beautiful tapestry that is less likely to end up in a landfill. 

Materials: Plastic bags found at home.  Finger knitting, or knitting needles provided by SCRAP. 


Sorting & Organizing Treasures

Every Monday SCRAP is closed to the public; this is when the magic happens! SCRAP diverts 220 tons of material from the waste stream each year, but this requires a lot of sorting and organizing of everything from crayons to vintage posters, family photographs to beads and buttons. 

Art Kit Assembly

SCRAP is partnered with the San Francisco Public School District and our SCRAP-in-a-Box programs support students in underserved communities. Spend a half-day with your group at SCRAP HQ assembling, processing and producing the art kits that add creativity to the lives of children who don’t have easy access to arts enrichment. 

Outdoor Cleanup & Beautification

Help us clean and beautify our outdoor area. Spend a half-day with your group cleaning up the adjacent street to SCRAP and beautifying our outdoor yard. We have a small outdoor area that we  are seeking to transform into a community garden and outdoor maker space.